Duke Guillaume of Toulouse

Guillaume Nibelunging was the Duke of Toulouse from circa. 1 January 769.

He was born on 1 January 769 to Duke Theoderic of Burgundy and an unrecorded woman.

He is recorded as being the Duke of Toulouse as early as 1 January 769, as well as the Count of Toulouse, and Count of Rouergue, when the animal men arrived at his court. They were 12 orphans raised by animals. He let 6 of them join his court, Ailbert de Maguelone, Burchard de Narbonne, Guadulf de Béziers, Karloman de Maguelone, Ragambald de Lavaur, and Weinbert de Montpellier. He sent Wilbert de Narbonne off to assemble the mercenary company, The Toulousian Band, and Wilbert de Narbonne employed hedgehogs in his mercenary company. The other 5 left his court.

That same year, he married Princess Gerberga, daughter of King Desiderius of Lombardy. Guillaume caught his vassal, Count Adelard of Carasconne plotting to fabricate a claim on the Duchy of Toulouse, so he tried but failed to imprison him, causing Count Adelard to lead a revolt against him. The revolt was crushed in 770 and on 5 December 770, Guillaume revoked the County of Carasconne, a title he would continue to hold until his death. Adelard died in his dungeons at the age of 51 on 28 January 771.

In 772, he joined The Reconquista in the Iberian Peninsula. On 11 December 772, he was slain by his vassal and rival, Count Rodericho of Rosello in a duel. His father succeeded him with a grand ceremony in Dijon.